Node.js development stack
03 Jul 2018Node.js development stack
function | projects | |
package management | npm | |
CSS preprocessors | less, sass | |
JS module loader | require.js, Browserfy | |
JS transpiler | coffee loader, ts-loader |
- ES2015+
- vue
- vuex
- vue-router
- axios
- element-ui
- Mock.js
- Node.js uses asynchronous programming!
- Node.js can generate dynamic page content
- Node.js can create, open, read, write, delete, and close files on the server
- Node.js can collect form data
- Node.js can add, delete, modify data in your database
- What is a Module in Node.js?
Consider modules to be the same as JavaScript libraries.A set of functions you want to include in your application.
- built-in modules
Module | Description |
assert | Provides a set of assertion tests |
buffer | To handle binary data |
child_process | To run a child process |
cluster | To split a single Node process into multiple processes |
crypto | To handle OpenSSL cryptographic functions |
dgram | Provides implementation of UDP datagram sockets |
dns | To do DNS lookups and name resolution functions |
domain | Deprecated. To handle unhandled errors |
events | To handle events |
fs | To handle the file system |
http | To make Node.js act as an HTTP server |
https | To make Node.js act as an HTTPS server. |
net | To create servers and clients |
os | Provides information about the operation system |
path | To handle file paths |
punycode | Deprecated. A character encoding scheme |
querystring | To handle URL query strings |
readline | To handle readable streams one line at the time |
stream | To handle streaming data |
string_decoder | To decode buffer objects into strings |
timers | To execute a function after a given number of milliseconds |
tls | To implement TLS and SSL protocols |
tty | Provides classes used by a text terminal |
url | To parse URL strings |
util | To access utility functions |
v8 | To access information about V8 (the JavaScript engine) |
vm | To compile JavaScript code in a virtual machine |
zlib | To compress or decompress files |
Include Modules
To include a module, use the require() function with the name of the module:
var http = require('http');
- Create Your Own Modules
// save as mymodule.j* exports.myDateTime = function () { return Date(); };
// in another main.js var mymodule = require('./mymodule') var datetime = mymodule.myDateTime()
- HTTP Module
var http = require('http'); //create a server object: http.createServer(function (req, res) { res.write('Hello World!'); //write a response to the client res.end(); //end the response }).listen(8080);
- Add an HTTP Header
` res.writeHead(200, {‘Content-Type’: ‘text/html’});`
- Read the Query String
- Split the Query String
var q = url.parse(req.url, true).query; var txt = q.year + " " + q.month;
- Add an HTTP Header
- File System Module
- Node.js as a File Server
var fs = require('fs');
- Read Files
fs.readFile('demofile1.html', function(err, data) {
- Create Files
var fs = require('fs'); fs.appendFile('mynewfile1.txt', 'Hello content!', function (err) { if (err) throw err; console.log('Saved!'); });
Delete Files
var fs = require('fs'); fs.unlink('mynewfile2.txt', function (err) { if (err) throw err; console.log('File deleted!'); });
- rename files
fs.rename('mynewfile1.txt', 'myrenamedfile.txt', function (err) {
- Upload Files
var formidable = require('formidable');
- Node.js as a File Server
- Send an Email
- nodemailer module
var nodemailer = require('nodemailer');
- multiple receivers
- html
- nodemailer module
- Events module
- addListener()
- defaultMaxListeners
- emit()
- eventNames()
- getMaxListeners()
- listenerCount()
- listeners()
- on()
- once()
- prependListener()
- prependOnceListener()
- removeAllListeners()
- removeListener()
- setMaxListeners()
var events = require('events'); var eventEmitter = new events.EventEmitter(); eventEmitter.on('scream', function() { console.log('A scream is detected!'); }); eventEmitter.emit('scream');
- download:
npm install upper-case --save
- use:
var uc = require('upper-case')
- download:
var url = require('url'); var adr = 'http://localhost:8080/default.htm?year=2017&month=february'; var q = url.parse(adr, true); console.log(; //returns 'localhost:8080' console.log(q.pathname); //returns '/default.htm' console.log(; //returns '?year=2017&month=february' var qdata = q.query; //returns an object: { year: 2017, month: 'february' } console.log(qdata.month); //returns 'february'
Node.js and MySQL
Node.js and MongoDB
- install driver:
npm install mongodb --save
var mongo = require('mongodb');
- create collections
var MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient; var url = "mongodb://localhost:27017/"; MongoClient.connect(url, function(err, db) { if (err) throw err; var dbo = db.db("mydb"); dbo.createCollection("customers", function(err, res) { if (err) throw err; console.log("Collection created!"); db.close(); }); var myobj = { name: "Company Inc", address: "Highway 37" }; dbo.collection("customers").insertOne(myobj, function(err, res) { if (err) throw err; console.log("1 document inserted"); db.close(); }); });
- package.json
The package.json file is core to the Node.js ecosystem and is a basic part of understanding and working with Node.js, npm, and even modern JavaScript. The package.json is used as what equates to a manifest about applications, modules, packages, and more - it’s a tool to that’s used to make modern development streamlined, modular, and efficient.
- name
- version
- description
- license
- keywords
- dependencies
- devDependencies
- “main”: “app.js”,
- repository
- scripts
Learn ES2015
- Arrows and Lexical This
Hello world
- import:
<script src=""></script>
- HTML ```html
3. javascript
var app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
message: 'hello, world'
HTML 中用一个 mount point <div id="app">
, 在 javascript 创建一个 Vue 示例。
- 文本插值: ``
- v-bind:
e.g. ` ` - v-on:
事件处理 ` ` - 条件:
- 循环:
- 用户输入:
: ` `
// 定义名为 todo-item 的新组件
Vue.component('todo-item', {
template: '<li>这是个待办项</li>'
Instead, a component’s data option must be a function, so that each instance can maintain an independent copy of the returned data object:
data: function () {
return {
count: 0
Organizing components
- registration:
- global
Vue.component('name', opts)
- Globally registered components can be used in the template of any root Vue instance (new Vue) created afterwards – and even inside all subcomponents of that Vue instance’s component tree.
- local
- global
- Props
- props is like interface to class, and data is used to maitain interal state, as private fields to class.
- Passing Data to Child Components with Props
- Sending Messages to Parents with Events
- v-model
- Content Distribution with Slots
- Dynamic Components
<component v-bind:is="currentTabComponent"></component>
Vue class / instance
var vm = new Vue({
- el: 锚点
- data: 要绑定的数据
- computed: 复杂属性
- props: 对外的属性接口,类似 C# /Android 中 view 等属性。
- methods: 方法
global config
- silent
- optionMergeStrategies
- devtools
- errorHandler
- warnHandler
- ignoredElements
- keyCodes
- performance
- productionTip
Global API
- Vue.extend(options)
- Vue.nextTick([callback, context])
- Vue.set(target, key, value)
- Vue.delete(target, key)
- Vue.directive(id, [definition])
- Vue.filter(id, [definition])
- Vue.component(id, [definition])
- Vue.use(plugin)
- Vue.mixin(mixin)
- Vue.compile(template)
- Vue.version
- data
- props: A list/hash of attributes that are exposed to accept data from the parent component.
- propsData: initial / default data for props
- computed:
synthetic events Creating and triggering events
vm.$emit( eventName, […args] )
- what is javascript prototype?
- what is javascript context this?
The answer is short and simple: Scope pertains to the visibility of variables, and context refers to the object within which a function is executed.
javascript context/ scope/ this
- context/ this: function
context means this keyword
Context is most often determined by how a function is invoked. When a function is called as a method of an object, this is set to the object the method is called on:
So for a global function, this refers to ‘window’ in browser
- scope: variable
- local
- Global
- block: let/ const
Execution Context
- Execution stack
The answer is short and simple: Scope pertains to the visibility of variables, and context refers to the object within which a function is executed.
new 3.x is @vue/cli
, the old is vue-cli
- instant prototyping
vue serve
- Create a project
vue create
- Plugins
- Presets
- CLI service
UI template
vue ui
➜ hello-vue git:(master) ✗ ./node_modules/.bin/vue-cli-service
Usage: vue-cli-service <command> [options]
serve start development server
build build for production
inspect inspect internal webpack config
lint lint and fix source files
run vue-cli-service help [command] for usage of a specific command.
- Using the Binary
- vue-cli-service serve
- vue-cli-service build
- vue-cli-service inspect
- Checking All Available Commands
- Caching and Parallelization
- Git Hooks
- Configuration without Ejecting
- webpack-dev-server
- CommonJS is a project with the goal of specifying an ecosystem for JavaScript outside the browser (for example, on the server or for native desktop applications).
是一个 webpack 的 loader,可以将用下面这个格式编写的 Vue 组件转换为 JavaScript 模块:
AMD v.s. CommonJS v.s. UMD
AMD v.s. CommonJS
Asynchronous Module Definition
- AMD <- RequireJS
// filename: foo.js define(['jquery', 'underscore'], function ($, _) { // methods function a(){}; // private because it's not returned (see below) function b(){}; // public because it's returned function c(){}; // public because it's returned // exposed public methods return { b: b, c: c } });
CommonJS <- Browserify
// filename: foo.js var $ = require('jquery'); var _ = require('underscore'); // methods function a(){}; // private because it's omitted from module.exports (see below) function b(){}; // public because it's defined in module.exports function c(){}; // public because it's defined in module.exports // exposed public methods module.exports = { b: b, c: c };
UMD: The pattern is admittedly ugly, but is both AMD and CommonJS compatible, as well as supporting the old-style “global” variable definition:
(function (root, factory) { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { // AMD define(['jquery'], factory); } else if (typeof exports === 'object') { // Node, CommonJS-like module.exports = factory(require('jquery')); } else { // Browser globals (root is window) root.returnExports = factory(root.jQuery); } }(this, function ($) { // methods function myFunc(){}; // exposed public method return myFunc; }));
- js
vuex 集中管理应用中的状态。 类似 Java Spring 中的配置中心。 一种管理的哲学思想 commit 的方式相当于 会隐藏了 setOnListener 的调用, 类似 set 方法, 而不是直接访问状态字段
- state
- mutations
- 触发变化
- 调用状态: 计算属性
computed: { count () { return store.state.count } }
- 单一状态树, 唯一数据源 SSOT, 状态快照
So actions/mutations allow you to:
- centrally define allowed changes to the state, and by that,
- how those changes are connected and logically depend on one another (i.e. by reading an action that commits a series of mutations)
- track these changes in the devtools very easily, as you see all the Mutation names you just read in the list there.
writing expressive code that, to an extend, documents your business logic. You can understand a lot about an app’s business logic by just reading its store actions & mutations, without digging through hundreds of components looking where some piece of state is altered under which circumstances.
- mapGetter 类同 Java Bean 中的自动生成 get 函数
- mapMutations 类同 Java Bean 中自动生成 set 函数
- 可以手写 get / set 函数, 以定制化
- get: getters:
- set: mutations:
- mutaions = event + event handler (type + handler)
- computed: mapState
- Actions
- …mapActions