06 Sep 2017Hello world
- import:
<script src=""></script>
- HTML ```html
3. javascript
var app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
message: 'hello, world'
HTML 中用一个 mount point <div id="app">
, 在 javascript 创建一个 Vue 示例。
- 文本插值:
- v-bind:
e.g. ` ` - v-on:
事件处理 ` ` - 条件: v-if
- 循环: v-for
- 用户输入: v-model ` `
// 定义名为 todo-item 的新组件
Vue.component('todo-item', {
template: '<li>这是个待办项</li>'
Vue class / instance
var vm = new Vue({
- el: 锚点
- data: 要绑定的数据
- computed: 复杂属性
- props: 对外的属性接口,类似 C# /Android 中 view 等属性。
- methods: 方法
global config
- silent
- optionMergeStrategies
- devtools
- errorHandler
- warnHandler
- ignoredElements
- keyCodes
- performance
- productionTip
Global API
- Vue.extend(options)
- Vue.nextTick([callback, context])
- Vue.set(target, key, value)
- Vue.delete(target, key)
- Vue.directive(id, [definition])
- Vue.filter(id, [definition])
- Vue.component(id, [definition])
- Vue.use(plugin)
- Vue.mixin(mixin)
- Vue.compile(template)
- Vue.version
- data
- props: A list/hash of attributes that are exposed to accept data from the parent component.
- propsData: initial / default data for props
- computed:
- what is javascript prototype?
- what is javascript context this?
The answer is short and simple: Scope pertains to the visibility of variables, and context refers to the object within which a function is executed.
javascript context/ scope/ this
- context/ this: function
context means this keyword
Context is most often determined by how a function is invoked. When a function is called as a method of an object, this is set to the object the method is called on:
So for a global function, this refers to ‘window’ in browser
- scope: variable
- local
- Global
- block: let/ const
Execution Context
- Execution stack
The answer is short and simple: Scope pertains to the visibility of variables, and context refers to the object within which a function is executed.